Analysing international policy processes and Lithuania’s role in them

Nicolas Tenzer

Associate Expert

Nicolas Tenzer is a lecturer at the Paris University of Political Studies, the author of three official reports to the government, including two on international strategy, and 22 books. He directs the Centre for the Study and Research on Political Decisions (CERAP), is the publisher of the bi-monthly Desk Russie, and has created Tenzer Strategics, a blog on international, strategic and political risk analysis.

Other analysts and experts

Edward Lucas Associate Expert

He is a former senior editor of the British weekly The Economist and is a non-resident senior analyst at CEPA.

Linas Kojala Director

Linas Kojala is a Director of a think-tank, the Eastern Europe studies centre, in Vilnius, Lithuania. He teaches international relations at Vilnius University and is an Associate at the Negotiation Task Force, Davis Center, Harvard University. 

Tomas Janeliūnas Senior Research Manager

Professor, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University.

Maksimas Milta Associate Expert

Researcher at the ReThink.CEE programme of the German Marshall Fund in the USA and former Head of Communication and Development at the European Humanities University. His research focuses on Belarusian processes.