Analysing international policy processes and Lithuania’s role in them
LFPR Dec 27, 2022

Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review


The Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review is an analytical journal focusing on global issues and analyzing their impact on Lithuania. It is published annually in cooperation with the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2018, the partners have included Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the US Embassy in Lithuania.

The journal was established in 1998. Gradually, it moved towards covering the security and foreign policy issues of the countries in Central Eastern Europe and the geopolitical and security problems of the whole region. Since 2018 the concept of the journal has changed from a peer-reviewed journal to an analytical publication.

ISSN: 1392-5504

The Latest Issue of the Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review (Vol. 41, 2022-2023) was published in November 2022.

Read the LFPR online.